Heavy Metal Mania - O melhor do Heavy Metal!

CD-Kataklysm:meditations (lançamento/cd +dvd)



Melhor álbum do KATAKLYSM desde “In the Arms of Devastation”.
As raízes e fundamentos da banda representados musicalmente.
DVD inclui músicas ao vivo intercaladas com partes de um documentário.

1 em estoque


Maurizio Iacono »» vocal
JF Dagenais »» guitarra
Stephane Barbe »» baixo
Oli Beaudoin »» bateria



1. Guillotine
2. Outsider
3. The Last Breath I’ll Take Is Yours
4. Narcissist
5. Born To Kill And Destined To Die
6. In Limbic Resonance
7. And Then I Saw Blood
8. What Doesn’t Break Doesn’t Heal
9. Bend The Arc, Cut

DVD (Faixas marcadas com * são partes de um documentário)

1. Intro
2. In Shadows & Dust
3. Beyond Salvation
4. Why these 2 albums?*
5. Illuminati
6. Chronicles of the Damned
7. Bound in Chains
8. Rediscovering These Albums*

9. Where the Enemy Sleeps…

10. Centuries (Beneath The Dark Waters)
11. *We Have a Different Drummer Now*
12. Face the Face of War
13. Years of Enlightment/Decades in
14. Intermission*
15. The Ambassador of Pain
16. The Resurrected
17. The Fans*
18. As I Slither
19. For All Our Sins
20. Generations*
21. The Night They Returned
22. Serenity in Fire
23. Drumming on the Different Albums*
24. Blood On The Swans
25. 10 Seconds From the End
26. The Tragedy I Preach
27. Meditations*
28. Under the Bleeding Sun
29. Credits

Peso ,200 kg
Dimensões 13 × 13 × 2 cm
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